Seminars & More.
This page will have updates from past and upcoming events that seek to educate the average man who knows nothing about dogs. In this regard, we have a series of events we hosted and will be hosting, in the form of seminars, webinars, and interviews among many others.
Upcoming event
Free Rabies Vaccination
Rabies is a zoonosis (a disease that is transmitted from animals to humans) that is caused by a virus.
It is known to be present in more than 150 countries and territories of all continents except Antarctica. About 60 000 people die of rabies every year, mostly in Asia and Africa.
Rabies virus infects domestic and wild animals and is spread to people through close contact with infected animals’ saliva via bites or scratches.
hov tips
Firstly from us, we have what we call HOV tips. Click the video icon below to access the HOV tips playlist.
We’ve handled a lot of breeds, not limited to Boerboels, Rhodesian ridgebacks, poodles, and Pitbulls. Across animals, We’ve handled crabs, snails, guinea pigs, birds, rabbits, sheep, and goats. We move with a lot of experience across the animal husbandry industry.
Dog Training
Time with
the dog trainer
In an effort to help us understand our dogs better so they are treated as dogs and not humans, we had the honour of interviewing the head trainer and owner of Liebe K9.
They walk us through a series of know how’s when picking a puppy or deciding on a breed.
Mr. Kelvin Amoah (Ghana)
Head trainer and owner of Liebe K9
+233 26 857 3565.
Maame Sika
We have a lot more coming up shortly. Please don’t forget to subscribe, like, share, and leave your comments on the videos. Thanks!